Self-service point

FENTEC Full-Stack Developer
Ended: Full-Stack Developer
The search process has ended. Thank your for all applicants! Are you our new Crew-mate? We have a position for a candidate who wants to take part in developing world-class technology solutions in an easygoing and innovative team. The significance...
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How to Ensure 24/7 Sales and Service Excellence?
Ability to provide products at the right time and to stand out with excellent after-sales service, creates stronger partnerships. Offering materials, equipment, spare parts and consumables onsite where they are needed, keeps workflow smooth and uninterrupted. When time searching for...
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FENTEC Oy signs an agreement with the Würth Group for delivering a global 24/7 service solution
FENTEC Oy and the Würth Group have signed an agreement on 8.11.2022 for cooperation and delivery of the global 24/7 service solution to the Würth Group. FENTEC’s solution brings new technology to Würth’s existing business model in providing shop-in-shop service...
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