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Molok containers’ life cycle management upgraded
into digital era

The RFID solution tailored to Molok helps in collecting data about containers and automatizing the product follow-up & support throughout the life cycle. With digitalized processes, operations are enhanced by sharing and managing information in real-time among personnel and the end-users involved. Molok offers modern and effective waste management solutions, which are used around the world.

#RFID solutions    |    #asset tracking    |   #life cycle management

Read FULL CASE below >

Empower data collecting and information flow throughout the product life cycle

Molok wanted to digitalize information and events of the containers’ life cycle, from the moment of finishing the container to reporting from the field. The goal was to automatize data collecting in the production, warehousing and product deliveries. Molok also wanted provide easy and useful information for the end-users.

Aim of collecting data from production was to help the R&D, production planning and follow-up of storage balance. There was a wish to make loading easy for the forklift truck drivers in the shipment phase. Concerning deliveries, Molok wanted information reliably and digitally about each container delivered, the load they were included and to which client they were delivered. They also wanted to make it easy to operate with containers in the field, to get data about containers and to report about the container status for installation, maintenance and spare parts ordering purposes.

RFID system to identify containers throughout the life cycle

FENTEC (former Toptunniste) tailored RFID identification solution for product life cycle management according to Molok’s needs. RFID and NFC/QR tags are added to containers in the manufacturing phase. With RFID tags, individual information and movements of each container can be followed throughout their entire life cycle. The data is gained from RFID gates located in the production, storage and product shipment phases.

In the installation phase, information about the containers’ GPS location and photos are added with the identifier and saved in the RFID system. With help of the system, the end-user sees information about his container and is able to make service requests and spare part orders. Ordering spare parts is easy since the system will suggest right spare parts for the container based on data included.

RFID and NFC ease and speed-up operations

The office personnel are now able to search for the containers in the field by completion, shipment or installation dates, by product type, by container properties, by clientship or by location. Service requests and spare part orders made from the container are managed at the office. The service request can be easily made for the right container in right location based on container’s individual and installation data.

The maintenance personnel will carry out services according the request and will acknowledge the work finished with the identifier. The information is available to office personnel in real-time. The Maintenance will receive the data about the container manufacturing, assembly, installation and previous service history from the RFID system.

The RFID system by FENTEC provides information about the containers throughout the product life cycle. Data transfer is done in real-time and is easily followed by the end-user. Information is effectively shared among everybody involved, which helps in streamlining and enhancing the process in all phases.


Nearly 30 years of operation Molok has grown into an international company whose products are known all worldwide. The environment, cost and time-saving system is used daily by millions of people around the world. The products are used in a variety of cultures with a total of more than 150 000 units.

#RFID #RFIDsystem #NFC #identification #datacapture #assettracking #lifecycle #BetterKnowledge #Molok #FENTEC

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