
Intelligent on-metal NFC tag helps in the maintenance
of medical equipment

HeartSafe® AED Locator is a company in the United Kingdom that produces and maintains defibrillators for public use. A number of them is situated outdoors.

To help the maintenance of the life-saving equipment the company needed a solution that could withstand the climate conditions and would be easy and cheap to maintain. A real-time and easy reporting was needed to ensure the functionality of equipment for Ambulance Services.

#mobile reporting    |    #medical services maintenance    |   #on-metal tags

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Real-time mobile reporting ensures functionality of medical equipment

Regular reporting of correct function and readiness of a public defibrillators for emergency is important to Ambulance Services.

For the equipment maintenance services, an NFC tag with QR code was customized. An insulating layer makes it possible to attach the tag onto the metal surface of the HeartSafe® cabinet and the outer layer is designed to survive the varying weather conditions. The maintenance personnel only needs to tap the tag with a mobile phone that supports NFC technology to make the report, which can be seen in real-time in the operation center. Mobile reporting saves time and reduces human errors.

HeartSafe® cabins using innovative NFC technology offer a quick help when rapid heart stop occurs. Knowledge that the defibrillator is ready and functional is key for any Ambulance Services to list it in their operational systems.

A defibrillator is an electronic device used internally or externally that delivers a controlled electric shock to a patient to correct ventricular fibrillation, a lack of coordination of the contraction of muscle tissue of the large chambers of the heart.


HeartSafe® AED Locator

HeartSafe® AED Locator is committed to maintain and support the use of public access defibrillators in United Kingdom. Ease of access and use are the key features of the life-saving equipment. At the moment there are more than 500 units installed.


#RFID #NFC #identification #mobile reporting #medical equipment #maintenance services #BetterKnowledge #HeartSafe® #FENTEC

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