
RFID enabled smart shelf automates product inventory
and ordering process

In order to enhance their originally complex and slow product ordering process, Ferrometal needed a solution for automatic product identification. Due small size, accessories were identified in storage bins.

RFID enabled Smart shelf helps in securing product availability, right products at the right time. Automatic and real-time storage balance tracking, inventory and product ordering ensures productivity. Ferrometal logistics solutions with latest technology, such as RFID-Kanban solutions, streamlines industrial and logistics processes.

#Smart shelf    |    #automated inventory & ordering    |   #logistics management

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Complex product management and slow ordering process needed improvement

In the past, Ferrometal suffered from a complex and slow product ordering process. Managing hundreds of product labels was time-consuming. Fluctuation in material availability would effect on productivity. Ferrometal needed a solution to identify products automatically and improve the product ordering process. Enhancing product ordering would have positive impact on productivity and logistics management at Ferrometal. RFID technology was considered as a best option for a solution.

Automatic and real-time product identification with Smart shelf

The 24/7 smart shelf solution by FENTEC (former Toptunniste) uses UHF RFID technology. It supports the required reading distance and enables simultaneous reading of multiple tags. Readers are from Feig Electronic Long-Range UHF selection and industry standard Smartrac DogBone inlays are issued for items using RFID enabled printer with SAP integration.

The smart shelf offers Ferrometal automatic product identification. A RFID tag in the storage bin is read when the bin is placed in the restoration shelf. The smart shelf identifies empty bins and sends automatically an order to SAP. Signal light on smart shelf is used to inform the user about the product balance.

Even though RFID could replace barcodes 100%, the operation process still allows the use of barcodes as parallel identification system, as it is still an important method of identification for many customers. RFID is a crucial part of the product label, which still contains text information of the content and a barcode.

As Ferrometal’s RFID technology provider, FENTEC designed and executed the smart shelf concept for Ferrometal. The concept includes several types of smart shelf models, solution management tools and integration to Ferrometal’s SAP system.


Smart shelf and Kanban RFID solutions automate product ordering and enhance processes

The 24/7 shelf solution enables automation of the ordering process at Ferrometal. Information from the customer to the accessories provider runs now in real-time: stock employee no longer needs to read manually barcodes from empty drawers – the smart shelf does it automatically. The 24/7 shelf is integrated into Ferrometal SAP system, which places automatic product orders from stock directly to system, when the product balance alerts.

Smart shelf helps in securing material availability at all times, right products at the right time means increase in the productivity. Automatic product identification reduces manual work, delays and errors. The storage balance tracking and inventory are also automated and even real-time.

The RFID Kanban solutions utilized by Ferrometal enable excellent speed and reliability when managing small accessories logistics – all the way from the manufacturer to the assembly sites.

It has been a positive surprise how diversely we can utilize the smart shelf solution in our customers production environment”, says Mika Brandt from Ferrometal.

FENTEC’s strong expertise and experience in the RFID products and software was an important part of the project. Know-how of the reader device software interfaces, identification technology integration of back-end system, as well as implementing the solution to Ferrometal’s industrial environment with right RFID reader and tag choices, played an important role.


In the Baltic region, Ferrometal Oy is known as the industry-leading supplier of fasteners and other small accessories required for the assembly and installation of customers’ end products. Having the widest product range in the field ensures that the products required are quickly found and delivered to the customers’ production facilities or work sites in a timely manner. For industrial customers, Ferrometal offers logistics solutions with latest technology, such as RFID-Kanban solutions.


#RFID #RAINRFID #smartshelf #automatic #inventory and ordering #identification #production management #BetterKnowledge #Ferrometal #FENTEC

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