How to Ensure 24/7 Sales and Service Excellence?
Ability to provide products at the right time and to stand out with excellent after-sales service, creates stronger partnerships. Offering materials, equipment, spare parts and consumables onsite where they are needed, keeps workflow smooth and uninterrupted. When time searching for supplies is minimized and there is no need to leave the site for purchases, the impact on overall efficiency and employer satisfaction is highly positive.
And how to respond to customers’ needs? Self-service solutions bring your service at point of use offering 24/7 material availability and easiest customer experience. Bringing real value to your customers’ operations and giving them possibility to concentrate on their core business, increases satisfaction and loyalty.
Komatsu Forest’s experiment for better service availability with FENTEC Minicontainer™ self-service solution
Komatsu Forest is pioneering in the forest industry with future solutions for their customers. Among them is an Uptime concept for keeping customers machinery in operation with better service availability. At the Swedish Forestry Expo in June 2023, Komatsu Forest offered visitors a try-out and evaluation of a new self-service solution.
The solution automatizes the availability of an assortment of consumables and spare parts with a smart container. Users can access the container whenever it is suitable for them, so they don’t have to stop working just to get there on time. Customers can pick up what is needed, and the self-checkout system automatically reports transaction of the collected goods to service provider. With the help of real-time inventory data, the service provider can replenish goods at the right time.
According to feedback from both Komatsu Forest’s customers and own personnel, the try-out with the self-service solution was a success!
– We were really surprised, how excited people were about the self-service point concept! Our aim is to assure the uptime of the machinery and thus enable effective workdays for our customers. The smart container clearly benefits them by providing secure access to a range of consumables and spare parts anytime it is suitable for them. Self-service points can be located where our customers operate, and product selection can be adjusted according to the machinery working on that area. This solution really is true to our purpose, creating value together, says Ralf Pohland, General Manager Parts, Customer Service Business, Komatsu Forest AB.
FENTEC offers many size smart vending solutions to be easily placed at customer’s premises, i.e. cabinets, containers and checkout rooms. Automated self-service points register each transaction automatically, collecting consumption data of who, when and where the service was used. The solution uses RFID or weighing technologies for product inventory.
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