FENTEC Group = Toptunniste + Fentec Partners

Finnish RFID technology companies, ToP Tunniste Ltd and Fentec Partners, are uniting their forces. The shares of both companies have been transferred to recently founded FENTEC Group Ltd. on 3.7.2020. Through this merger, FENTEC Group will become a leading Finnish company developing and implementing turnkey RFID solutions. FENTEC Group offers its customers world-class RFID based smart spaces and industry specific solutions for automatic identification.

Jari Kinnunen has been appointed as CEO of FENTEC Group. Kinnunen will start in his position 7th September 2020. He will transfer to his new position from Stora Enso Intelligent Packaging business unit and has an extensive experience in the field of RFID.

Pikespo Invest Oy Ltd, a Tampere based private equity company, is coming along as an owner of FENTEC Group. This brings new expertise and connections for international growth in an already familiar industry field. In the future the company seeks strong growth both in Finnish and international markets.

The founders of both companies, Pauli Tossavainen from ToP Tunniste and Jari Nokkala from Fentec Partners, will continue within FENTEC Group. More experience from the field of RFID will be added to company Board by Samuli Strömberg, Christer Härkönen and Marcus Vaenerberg. The Chairman of the Board is Antti Rauhala.